Explore Camosun College’s
History Timeline
Honouring the Past, Inspiring the Future

The Young Building 1913-1915
The Young Building on Camosun’s Lansdowne campus was built between 1913-1915 and designed by Vancouver architect W.C.F.… More...
Dunlop House is built in 1928
Designed by Samuel Maclure for retired client James Lyle Dunlop, the Dunlop House was built… More...
The Ewing Building opens
The Ewing building opened in 1952 and today it is home to Eyēʔ Sqȃ’lewen: the… More...
The Paul Building opens at Lansdowne
It’s fitting that today’s President’s Office is located in the Paul Building. Dr. Edward B.… More...
Institute of Adult Studies – the forerunner to Camosun College
The Institute of Adult Studies (IAS) was the forerunner to Camosun College. Established by the… More...
Victoria votes in favour of “Juan de Fuca” College
In 1970, the Greater Victoria School Board voted in favour of a regional college in… More...
Hello “Camosun”
In January 1971, it was goodbye “Juan de Fuca” – and hello “Camosun” but where… More...
Camosun’s First President – Dr. Grant L. Fisher
In March, 1971 Dr. Grant L. Fisher is appointed Camosun College’s first president. Dr. Grant… More...
Camosun College celebrates its official opening Sept. 16, 1971
Times have changed. In 1971 tuition fees were $10 per credit. The typical student is… More...
Interurban campus: the Drysdale and White Buildings
John Drysdale Building (formerly known as A Block) at Interurban was named after John Drysdale… More...
Lansdowne life in the 70s
In 1971, the Lansdowne campus offered academic and career programs in business administration, secretarial sciences,… More...
Interurban campus life in the 70s
In 1971, the B.C. Vocational School (located on Interurban Road) merged with the Lansdowne campus… More...
John Meagher: An early leader in Camosun’s evolution
In 1971 John Meagher was teaching at a private college in Vancouver when he heard… More...
Pat Floyd: Early days of Liberal and Applied Arts at Camosun
Pat Floyd joined Camosun College in 1971 along with most other instructors from the Institute… More...
The Junction Campus at Fort St. & Oak Bay Ave.
When Camosun College was amalgamated in 1971 Junction Campus, located in a commercial building at… More...
CAMO Radio is born
In 1973, Applied Communications program (ACP) faculty member Kermit (Kerm) Carlson founded CAMO Radio, a… More...
Carey Road Campus: 1977-1995
The Carey Road Campus consisted of a schoolhouse of British Arts and Crafts style, built… More...
Dr. Lloyd Morin is appointed Camosun’s second president
Dr. Lloyd Morin started with Camosun College in 1971 as the Director of Instructional Development… More...
The Grant Fisher Building is officially opened
In 1980, the $8 million Grant Fisher Building opens at the Lansdowne campus; named after… More...
Camosun’s new Nursing program launches
In 1979, the Ministry of Education funded a new two-year Nursing diploma program at Camosun… More...
The Business division graduates 300 students
In the 1970s and 80s, Camosun’s Business Division was growing – offering courses in typing,… More...
The White House on Lansdowne campus
Story by Arnie Campbell, Retiree: Health &Human Services 1981-90, Continuing Education Services 1990-94 “Once upon… More...
Dawson Building officially opens as a student services centre
The Dawson Building officially opens at Lansdowne Campus. The building was named after former Camosun… More...
First International students enroll at Camosun
In the 1980s, Camosun enrolls international students for the first time. This year, the college… More...
Mechanical Engineering added to Camosun’s suite of technology programs
Camosun’s new Mechanical Engineering program opened in September 1985. Supported by a major grant from… More...
First Co-op Education program begins in the Business division
Camosun’s first Co-operative Education program began in 1986 in the Business Division. Today, Camosun’s Co-operative… More...
New Dental Health Building completed at Lansdowne
A new $1.3 million Dental Health Education Centre is completed at the Lansdowne campus to… More...
New Library Media Centre opens at Lansdowne
The $4.8 million Library Media Centre (now the Alan Batey Library Media Centre) opens at… More...
Childcare comes to campus
Camosun’s first child care centres open at Lansdowne and Carey Road campuses in 1991 offering… More...
Indigenous education formally comes into being at Camosun
Indigenous education came into being formally at Camosun in 1991 with the hiring of Janice… More...
Camosun constructs new Technologies Centre at Interurban
In 1991, construction began on the Technologies Centre at Interurban. Almost one year later, the… More...
Camosun hires an Ombudsperson to assist students
Camosun hires an Ombudsperson and becomes one of only three community colleges in Canada to… More...
Construction begins on the Campus Centre and Centre for Business and Access
Construction begins on the $11 million Campus Centre and the $12 million Centre for Business… More...
Interurban Cafeteria named the Helmut Huber Cook Training Centre
The Interurban Cafeteria is named the Helmut Huber Cook Training Centre in honour of Helmut… More...
Dr. Elizabeth Ashton appointed as Camosun’s fourth president
Did you know that Dr. Liz Ashton served as president for 14 years, retiring from… More...
Camosun hosts the 1994 Commonwealth Games Canadian athletes
Camosun hosts the Canada’s 1994 Commonwealth Game’s athletes for lunch on the Young Building Lawns,… More...
Construction begins on the Wilna Thomas building and Cultural Centre
In 1994 construction began on the General Purpose building and Cultural Centre at Lansdowne, which… More...
Camosun Chargers launch their inaugural season in October 1994
In fall 1994, the Camosun College Chargers host a media announcement and begin their official… More...
Centre for Business and Access building officially opens; Carey Road campus closes
1995 was a year of transition and growth for Camosun College. The Carey Road Campus… More...
Fore! Camosun offers a two-year Professional Golf Management program
Camosun becomes the only college in B.C. to offer a unique program in Professional Golf… More...
Artist Richard Hunt carves Camosun’s first totem pole
Camosun’s first totem pole was carved in 1995 by renowned Indigenous carver and artist Richard… More...
Bukwila: 23 years of welcoming students to campus
Bukwila, set at the steps of Lansdowne campus’ Wilna Thomas Cultural Centre, has been welcoming… More...
Camosun Foundation launches Young Building Restoration fundraising campaign
In the late 90s, Camosun launched the Young Building Restoration Project as an $8.3 million… More...
Camosun’s CKMO-FM radio station becomes Village 900 AM
In September 2000, the Applied Communication program’s CKMO-FM changed over to AM 900, trading places… More...
Chargers Golf teams crowned National Champs!
The Chargers hosted the CCAA’s inaugural National Golf Championships in 2000, and went on to… More...
Camosun celebrates inaugural college-wide Graduation Ceremony
On June 1, 2002 Camosun College launched its first-ever college-wide graduation ceremonies at G.R. Pearkes… More...
Camosun retirees start their own association: CCARE
Prior to the early 2000s, when Camosun College employees retired, they in essence were lost… More...
Camosun signs learning agreement with Songhees Nation
On June 21, 2005 a formal Affiliation Agreement between Camosun College and the Songhees Nation… More...
The Pacific Institute for Sport Excellence (PISE) opens at Interurban
Camosun and the Canadian Sport Centre Pacific, along with hundreds of donors, athletes and community… More...
Camosun Chargers secure a home at PISE
Following 14 years of competing off-campus, the Camosun Chargers secure a home in the Pacific… More...
Camosun introduces its first Women in Trades Exploration program
Camosun offers its first Women in Trades program as a 12-week introduction to the world of… More...
Na’tsa’maht: The Gathering Place
In 2011, the college celebrated the opening of Na’tsa’maht: The Gathering Place at Lansdowne campus.… More...
Camosun appoints its sixth president, Sherri Bell
Sherri Bell, former superintendent for the Greater Victoria School District, was appointed Camosun’s sixth president,… More...
Students organize the first Orange Shirt Day at Lansdowne
On September 30, 2015, Camosun Indigenous Studies students Kristin Spray and Eddy Charlie, with the support… More...
Turning forest into furniture – Fine Furniture students design stunning benches for new Trades Centre
Camosun Fine Furniture students turn forest into furniture by re-using the trees, cleared from the… More...
Toward Reconciliation
In 2015, Camosun develops an Indigenization and Reconciliation plan that includes 39 actions for the… More...
Centre for Trades Education and Innovation opens
After four years of planning, construction and a record-breaking $7.5 million fundraising campaign, on February… More...
Celebrating over 25 years of excellence in Indigenous education
In 2016, Eye? Sqa’lewen, Camosun’s Centre for Indigenous Education and Community Connections (IECC), celebrated 25… More...
Camosun Chargers host CCAA women’s volleyball nationals – and win Silver!
The Chargers hosted their first-ever indoor NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP: the 2017 CCAA Women’s Volleyball event. The… More...
Camosun Innovates launches Babcock Canada Interaction lab
In fall 2017, Camosun Innovates, the applied research and development hub of Camosun, celebrated the… More...
Camosun Chargers host 2018 CCAA men’s volleyball nationals
Running off the success of the 2017 CCAA National WVB Championship, the Chargers took on… More...
Chargers welcome Women’s Curling
Coached by Olympian, Melissa Soligo, Camosun’s first-ever curling team swept their way to a National… More...
Camosun Chargers celebrate their 25th anniversary
Over the 2018-19 season the Camosun Chargers celebrated 25 years of intercollegiate competition in the… More...
Eye? Sqa’lewen receives CICAN Gold Award for Excellence in Indigenous Education
In 2018, Camosun and Eye? Sqa’lewen receive the Colleges and Institutes Canada’s (CICAN) Gold Award… More...
The Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness is officially opened
With modern medical classrooms, applied learning labs, health care simulation centres and collaborative study spaces… More...
Camosun adapts to remote learning amid the COVID-19 pandemic
In mid-March 2020, the global COVID-19 pandemic forces Camosun College and all post-secondary institutions across… More...