Pat Floyd joined Camosun College in 1971 along with most other instructors from the Institute of Adult Studies (IAS). He’d been hired to teach Geography at IAS in 1968 while completing his Master’s Degree at UVic.
When he joined the college, Pat was appointed Coordinator of Social Sciences. After the first year, Pat was encouraged to apply for the position of Director of Liberal and Applied Arts and was successful. He rarely got to teach geography again.

The next nine years were exciting times, with new programs being initiated almost yearly. The Applied Communications and Criminal Justice programs were already launched. Fine Arts and Theatre were to follow, although the latter did not survive. Human Service programs were added: Social Work, Special Aide and Early Childhood Education.
In 1981 the Director of Community and Educational Services position became vacant. Pat saw this as an opportunity for a new challenge. He was successful in his application and spent the next eight years supporting the expansion of the Division into Contract Services. He also encouraged the college to become active in recruiting international students.

Clockwise from the left around the table: Keith Bateman, John Meagher, Beryl Hastings,
Lloyd Morin, Pat Floyd, Brian Killip, Neil Murphy
In 1988, Pat and his wife, Grethe, took advantage of an opportunity to work at a college in the United Arab Emirates. After working abroad and in Vancouver, Pat retired in 1997 and returned to Victoria. In 2004, Pat joined a small group of Camosun retirees who established the Camosun College Association of Retired Employees (CCARE). Since that time, Pat has served as a valued member of the CCARE Executive.
Submitted by Faye Ferguson, CCARE