Submitted by Stephen Robards, former Hospitality Management Instructor
I was privileged to work for 13 years in the Hospitality Management Program at Camosun Landsdowne, at the Dunlop House Restaurant.
In 2014, Program Chair Carl Everett asked me to tutor a group of 13 International students on a weekly basis. The thinking was this would help them in their regular classes and their interaction with Western students.
These wonderful individuals won a place in my heart for their genuine enthusiasm and work ethic. Not only did we study things from the curriculum together; we also had fun when I used “tongue twisters” and silly poems to help them with their English pronunciations.
On December 1, about the time we were finishing up the semester, we got together to celebrate the Christmas I remembered as a child. I gave each of them a decorated gingerbread “person”, like I had received every year growing up. They got together and bought me a box of chocolates.
Happily, someone took our picture. This is a keepsake I will always treasure.