Camosun’s first Registrar, Malcolm Knapman

In 1980, Camosun welcomed Malcolm Knapman to manage the college’s admission and registration processes; to collaborate in the final implementation of the new student/faculty/classroom timetabling system; and in the definition of a computer-based student registration system.  The Student Registration System (SRS) was launched in 1981 and transformed the operations of the admissions and registration processes.

Once SRS was implemented at Camosun, the Ministry of Advanced Education encouraged other B.C. Colleges and Institutions to adopt it, with the continuing software development being anchored at Camosun. This led to the formation of the provincial SRS Users Group (SRSUG), its membership being the Registrars of the noted institutions. Malcolm’s title was then changed to Registrar.

The role of Registrar consists of three very important and interrelated dimensions. The first is to provide recruitment, admission, registration and graduation services for prospective and enrolled students. Second, is to maintain open and reliable communication with the academic divisions regarding academic programming, trends in student demand, timetabling considerations, admission criteria etc. Thirdly, as a member of the college’s Admin team, the Registrar contributes to the development of policies and procedures associated with the general well-being of the college. Malcolm benefited greatly from having constant interactions with all levels of the college and with the student body which greatly informed his understanding of how Camosun was executing and succeeding in its journey during the 1980’s and 1990’s. 

Malcolm also led the establishment of the B.C. Registrar’s Association with a mandate to promote communication amongst all provincial Registrar’s offices and encourage professional development of staff.

The Registrar’s Office staffing levels varied over time, but the quality of staff was a constant. For Malcolm’s entire career at Camosun, he was “blessed with the finest staff who delivered a job well done, each and every day, no matter the circumstances.” Malcolm was and is very proud to have been associated with such remarkable people, all having the common goal of supporting students and faculty so that Camosun would be regarded as a very caring and reliable place.

Former Registrar Malcolm Knapman with wife JoAnne

Story by Cathy Carson, CCARE Member

Comments 1

  1. Lovely to see this story. I loved working with Malcolm – we had many great adventures as we worked together on setting up the administration of Camosun’s co-operative education programs.

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