Sue Duggan started work at the college as an Admissions Secretary for Student Services in 1973. Remembering those days, she fondly recalls what a close-knit community the college was during the 1970’s.
After a few years, Sue became Pat Floyd’s secretary while he was Director of the Liberal Arts Division. It was demanding work and there was much to learn but there was never a shortage of laughter and camaraderie.

While Sue was on maternity leave in 1981, events transpired to take her career in a major new direction. Pat Floyd assumed the role of Director of Community Education Services (CES). A Program Coordinator resigned during the busy fall programming season so Pat contacted Sue to ask if she would be interested in stepping in to this new position. As they say, the rest is history!
For the first few years in CES Sue worked as a Program Assistant. She was also attending school in the evenings, taking courses for entry into the Nursing Program. In 1986, just as she was accepted into the Nursing program, Sue’s position in CES was reclassified to a Program Coordinator, a faculty position. What a dilemma! She had always wanted to be a nurse but she was also enjoying her work.
In the end she decided to stay in CES. Over the years there were very few program areas within Continuing Education that Sue didn’t cover. Her favourite areas were Health and Human Services and Leadership Development. She organized Elderhostel programs; supported the prenatal program to become the best in the city; worked with college faculty to teach the TEFL program; collaborated with college faculty to offer the Counselling Support Program and revised the Volunteer Management Program.
Every day she came to work wondering what would present itself. She loved the variety in her job and is grateful to have had such an enriching career.
Submitted by Faye Ferguson, CCARE Retiree